SecurityResearchLab- Help

Questions and Answers

Last updated: September 3, 2022

How do I consent to Security Research Lab?
User and/or Admin Consent:
This application is used for security research and analysis. Many features of this application require user to sign-in to the site using their own Azure AD company or workplace account. In additon, user must consent to the permissions requested by this application. In some cases, administrator's consent is required when user is unable to consent. You are agreeing to the privacy, terms and conditions of this site by providing the consent. You reserve the right to revoke the consent at anytime. This site/app reserves the right to change the permissions at anytime and user or admin is required to provide the consent again.

Image: Consent screen with permissions

Click here to Consent to this Site/App.

How do I retrive data from Web Api?
Security Research Lab retrives data from Azure Storage Account via Web Api. To protect Web Api from unauthorized access, user must sign-in using Azure AD account (i.e. or Personal account is not supported at this time. Access Token issued by Azure AD is used to call Web Api and Web Api validates the token. Select a country on WebApi tab or Home tab (if you are using Mobile App).

Image: Home tab on Mobile App

Q. How do I retrive data using Graph Api?
To call Microsoft Graph Api, user must sign-in (if not done so already) with Azure AD for appropriate scopes. You may not see login challenge after the first sign-in because tokens are acquired silently. Select a Graph Api scope on MSGraph tab or GraphApi tab (if you are using Mobile App).

Image: GraphApi tab on Mobile App

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